Current artist, Alice Laverty defends, in form, a figurative painting of our time, and works, in substance, on the new issues of our corporeality, at a time of injunctions for permanent connections. She is part of the new generation of French figurative painters. She defends a technique put at the service of emotion, as a way of fighting against the great replacement of AI in art.
Requiem for a Self-Portrait Digital work of accumulation hundreds of bic pen drawings. Tribute to realistic drawing, economy of means and transportable work. This work is part of a research on the formatting of the image of our bodies by the hegemony of screens.
A contemporary symbolism. Body research underpins Alice Laverty’s painting. Some achievements linger on the landscape.
The drawing, the other specialty of Alice Laverty, allows to continue her graphic digging of the body, with lighter techniques. A more conceptual work around the relationship between the body and the new means of communication.
Photography and installations, the artist explores various media in order to enrich his research.